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Top students rejected by universities in the aftermath of the A-levels fiasco | Levels A

 Fintan Hogan, a student at King Edward VI Camp Hill School for Boys in Birmingham, predicted four A * s but was rejected by his two universities in First choice. "src =" "5364" loading = "lazy" class = "css-uk6cul" /> </picture></div><figcaption
class= Fintan Hogan, a student at King Edward School VI Camp Hill for Boys in Birmingham, forecast four A * s but was turned down by his two favorite colleges. Photograph: Andrew Fox

Mike Nicholson, director of undergraduate admissions at the University of Bath, said that with competitive institutions like yours under "significant pressure," these are not isolated stories. In schools it was reported that there are students with very good predicted grades who had not received offers, while students who predicted three B grades received many offers very quickly. It is possible that many of the high flyers will be left with a single offer. "

Fintan Hogan, a student at King Edward VI Camp Hill, a state primary school for boys in Birmingham, is forecast four A * s but He was turned down by his two top picks, Cambridge University and the London School of Economics He was prepared for stiff competition at Cambridge, but thought the LSE was a "safe" second choice, as his politics course required only three A. "I'm really disappointed," he says.

Hogan has since accepted an offer from King's College London, but is concerned that he may have missed some hallways because he had to wait until this month to hear from the LSE.

"People describe us as the lucky year," he said. "How can anyone suggest that we have it easy when we've had to learn independently for so long, knowing that in the end there would be less pl college aunts on offer because of all the postponements last year? "

Corinna Gregory, whose son Oliver is the school captain at King Edward VI Five Ways, another Birmingham elementary school, says she had 'put his heart in ”studying medicine at Newcastle University. Oliver, who is predicted A *, A *, A, had a Zoom interview before Christmas and was finally rejected in April.

"It was such a long time to wait and that was very difficult," Gregory said. "What is difficult for me is that he has really put his passion in. He is very motivated and wants to be a doctor to make a difference."

Oliver received an offer and plans to study medicine. at the University of Southampton the next year, after working in a refugee camp in Botswana.

Dr. Philip Purvis, vice principal of Croydon Independent High School, said: “Faced with space constraints, at a time when space is everything, and almost certain grade inflation, some of the UK's most respected universities have chosen to close the doors of communication and make their offers very late in the admissions process. ”

He said the odds have been tougher in medicine. "We are discovering that talented and dedicated students are missing out on precious medical training when, in any other year, their places would not be in doubt."

Professor Ian Fussell, associate dean of education at the University of Exeter medical school, said they took an additional 40 students last year, and "have room for additional students this year," but only if there is new funding to support clinical placements. .

However, Sir Peter Lampl, founder of the Sutton Trust, cautioned that it was “more important than ever” for universities to take students' circumstances into account. "The educational impacts of the pandemic have not been felt equally, and students from the poorest households are more likely to have difficulties, so those students need a break."

A spokesperson for the Department of Education said that it recognized the challenges faced by students and universities, adding: “

Those who have not achieved their place of ES can choose to enter the Ucas compensation service, as they have made the applicants in previous years. This will help match students to courses based on interest and availability if they are not located or want to change their firm choice. ”

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