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MSU to freeze housing rates for next year


Officials at Morehead State University have announced plans to freeze campus accommodation fees for next year .

"Part of Morehead State's dedication to student success is not only an experience that combines personalized attention and high-quality academic programs, but it makes the experience affordable for students and their families," said Dr. Jay Morgan, president of MSU. "Even in difficult times in state budgets, MSU is committed to maintaining its long-standing status as the most accessible university in East Frankfort, we understand our service region and the students and communities that make it up. look for ways to make higher education as affordable as possible for as many students as possible at our University. "

Living on campus offers all the comforts of an independent life along with valuable support, learning and safety structures to facilitate student success. Residents appreciate the life experience on campus and form lasting memories of their experience at the University. "I feel that living on campus has made me feel more comfortable and more confident in going to MSU because it is the complete experience," shared Brooke Karrick. , a law student from Wallingford, Kentucky.

For additional information on how to live on the MSU campus, visit www.moreheadsta

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