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Employers' satisfaction with graduates of the Federation University low

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Employer satisfaction with university graduates has reached its highest level according to the results of the new surveys, but the satisfaction with the Federation University Graduates have registered rates below the average. The 2018 employer satisfaction survey published on Friday reveals that overall satisfaction with graduates according to the qualifications of their supervisors is 85%, while overall satisfaction with graduates of Federation University is 79.1%. The overall satisfaction index of Federation University is the fourth lowest registered of all Australian universities, followed by the University of Southern Queensland, Edith Cowan University and Torrens University. The acting executive director of Universities Australia, Anne-Marie Lansdown, said the solid overall results of the survey show that university education is still a big investment. "As tens of thousands of students receive offers this week, you can be sure that a college education will pay dividends, both professionally and personally," he said. Although Federation University received a low rating in terms of employer satisfaction rates, a separate 2018 Graduate Survey Survey shows that a high rate of college students at Federation University get employment immediately upon graduation. The survey reveals that 89.5 percent of college students in the Federation are employed, while 78.3 percent are employed full-time. Federation University occupies the tenth position of all Australian universities in employment after graduation, with Charles Sturt University, Charles Darwin University and the University of Sydney leading the list. In general, in 2018, students in pharmacy, medicine, rehabilitation and dentistry had the highest rates of full-time employment. Meanwhile, the study areas with the lowest rates of full-time employment in 2018 were creative arts, tourism, hospitality, personal services, sports and recreation, communications, humanities, culture and social sciences and psychology, with employment rates at full time of 52.2 percent, 59.6 percent, 60.5 percent, 64.3 percent and 64.5 percent respectively. Ms. Lansdown said that the employment rates of graduates and their salaries have increased since the global financial crisis. The results of the graduate results show that full-time college students at Federation University earn above-average salaries of $ 62,000, compared to the average of $ 61,000. The launch of the surveys comes when hundreds of Ballarat graduates in year 12 expect to receive the first round of university offers on January 16. RELATED COVERAGE: Crop / frm / rochelle.kirkham / 17a67d8e-3d53-4fc9-bd3d-140a92354fb8.JPG / r0_248_4928_3032_w12

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