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Andrews University closes the 'Rise Up Against Abuse' rally on Sunday


$ videoEl.append ('' +
'' +

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player.muted (fake);
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moveSlides: 1,
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WVM.setupToggleButton = function (fullVideoId, player) {
if ($ ('. nextplay-switch-' + fullVideoId) .length> 0) {
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cls: '. nextplay-switch-' + fullVideoId,
height: 24,
trackColorOn: '# F9F9F9',
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textColorOff: '# 222',
textOn: 'On',
textOff: 'Off',
listener: function (name, sea {
var theVal = 1;
if (! marked) {
theVal = 0;

$ .ajax ({
url: '/ ajax / update_autoplay_video / ',
data: {
autoplay_on: theVal
type:' POST ',
data type:' json ',
success: function (data)
WVM [1 9459026] [‘autoplay’] = marked;
error: function () {
console.log ("Error loading video");

WVM.setupAccordionButton = function (fullVideoId) {
var deviceName = 'desktop';
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// playerId, mediaId, fieldName
var myTitle = WVM.getPlaylistData (fullVideoId, nextVideoId, 'noprefixtitle');
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// expand
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if (! $ ('# media-container-' + fullVideoId) .hasClass ('video-float')) {
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WVM.setupCarousel (fullVideoId);

$ ('# video-slider-nexttitle' + fullVideoId) .css ('display', 'none ');
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$ ('# video-slider-nexttitle' + fullVideoId) .html (myTitle);

WVM.sendbeacon = function ( action, nonInteraction, value, eventLabel) {
var eventCategory = 'Video';
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ga ('send', 'event', {
'eventCategory': eventCategory,
'eventAction': action,
'eventLabel': eventLabel ,
'eventValue': value,
'no interaction': no ​​interaction

WVM.getNextPlaylistIndex = function (mediaId, returnArrayIndex) {
var currId = null;
if (mediaId == null ) {
null return
for (var x = 0; x 20) {
if (fullDuration> 1 && ((fullDuration – fullCurrent)> 1) &&! $ ('. vjs-loading-spinner'). hasClass ('badspinner')) {
console.log ("hiding spinner");
$ ('. vjs-loading-spinner'). addClass ('badspinner');
var duration_time = Math.floor (this.duration ());

// this is a hack because the final video event is not firing
var current_time = Math.floor (this.currentTime ());
if (current_time> 0 && (fullCurrent> = (fullDuration – 10))) {
var currId = playerState. VIDEO_ID;
var newMediaId = WVM.getNextPlaylistIndex (currId);
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if (newMediaId) {
if ('desktop' == "iphone" && playerState.AD_ERROR) {
console.log ("the end was omitted of timeupdate ");
} more {
WVM.load_video (newMediaId, true, playerState.ORIGINAL_ID);

yes (! playerState.START_SENT) {
WVM.sendbeacon ('start', true, playerState.VIDEO_ID, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE);
playerState.START_SENT = true;

var currentTime, duration , percent, percentPlayed, _i;
currentTime = Math.round (this.currentTime ());
duration = Math.round (this.duration ());
percentPlayed = Math.round (currentTime / duration * 100);
for (percentage = _i = 0; _i = percentage && (playerState [‘PERCENTS_TRACKED’] percentage) 0) {
playerState [‘PERCENTS_TRACKED’] .push (percentage);

//'ended ');
player.on (' finalized ', function () {
console.log ("finalized");
playerState.IS_PLAYING = false;
WVM.sendbeacon ("complete", true, playerState.VIDEO_ID, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE);
var currId = playerState.VIDEO_ID;
var newMediaId = WVM.getNextPlaylistIndex (currId) ;
//if(playerSettings.autoplay_next && newMediaId) {
if (newMediaId) {
WVM.load_video (newMediaId, true, playerState.ORIGINAL_ID);
} plus {
console. log ("Full playlist (no more videos)");


//'adserror ');
player.on (' adserror ', function (e) {
// $ (' # ima-ad-container '). remove ();
WVM.lastAdRequest = new Date (). GetTime () / 1000;
console.log (e);
console.log ("ad error");

var errMessage = e [‘data’] [‘AdError’] [‘l’];

playerState.AD_IS_PLAYING = false;
playerState.IS_PLAYING = false;

// && errMessage == 'The VAST response document is empty.'
yes (! PlayerState .AD_ERROR) {
var dTime = new Date (). getTime ();
WVM.firstPrerollTagUrl = WVM.getFirstPrerollUrl () ;;
WVM.activePlayer.ima.changeAdTag (WVM.firstPrerollTagUrl + "?" + DTime);
WVM.activePlayer.ima.requestAds ();
//WVM.activePlayer.src ({
// src: masterSrc,
// writes: 'video / mp4'
// WVM .firstPrerollTagUrl = "";
playerState.AD_ERROR = true;

//'error ');
player.on (' error ', function (event) {
if (player.error (). code === 4) {
player.error (null); // b fix the old error
player.options (). sources.shift (); // drop the highest precedence source
console.log ("now doing src");
console.log (player .options (). sources [0]);
player.src (player.options (). sources [0]); // retry

//'volumechange ');
player.on (' volumechange ', function (event) {
console.log (event);

var theHeight = $ ('# media-container-' + playerState.ORIGINAL_ID + '.vjs-volume-level'). Css ('height') ;
var cssVolume = 0;
yes (height) {
cssVolume = parseInt (theHeight.replace ('%', ''));
var theVolume = player. volume ();
if (theVolume> 0.0 || cssVolume> 0) {
$ ('# media-container-' + playerState.ORIGINAL_ID + '.mute-overlay'). css ('display', 'none');
} more {
$ ('# media-container-' + playerState.ORIGINAL_ID + '.mute-overlay'). css ('display', 'block');
WVM.reinitRawEvents (playerState.ORIGINAL_ID);
setInterval (function () {
WVM.reinitRawEvents (playerState.ORIGINAL_ID);
}, 2000);
if (! WVM.rawCompleteEvent) {
WVM.rawCompleteEvent = function (e) {
var playerState = WVM [‘player_state76005’];
console.log ("the activation of a flat event due to all the other events that fail ");
var currId = playerState.VIDEO_ID;
var newMediaId = WVM.getNextPlaylistIndex (currId);
//if(playerSettings.autoplay_next && newMediaId) {
if (newMediaId) {
WVM.load_video (newMediaId, true, playerState.ORIGINAL_ID);
if (! WVM.rawTimeupdateEvent) {
WVM.rawTimeupdateEvent = function (e) {
var playerState = WVM [‘player_state76005’];
var rawVideoElem = document.getElementById ('html5-video-' + playerState [‘ORIGINAL_ID’] + '_html5_api');
var fullCurrent = rawVideoElem.currentTime * 1000;
var fullDuration = rawVideoElem .duration * 1000;
var current_time = Math.floor (rawVideoElem.currentTime);
console.log ("raw timeupdate:" + fullCurrent + "out of" + fullDuration);

if (current_time> 0 && (fullCurrent> = (fullDuration – 50))) {
var currId = playerState.VIDEO_ID;
var newMediaId = WVM.getNextPlaylistIndex (currId);
if (newMediaId) {
Console.log ("loading new video from rawtimeupdate");
WVM.load_video (newMediaId, true, playerState.ORIGINAL_ID);
if (! $ ('. vjs-loading-spinner'). hasClass ('badspinner')) {
$ ('. vjs-loading-spinner'). addClass ('badspinner')

WVM.reinitRawEvents = function (playerId) {
var playerState = WVM [‘player_state’ + playerId];
var rawVideoElem = document.getElementById ('html5-video-' + WVM [‘player_state’ + playerId] [‘ORIGINAL_ID’] + '_html5_api');

if (WVM [‘player_state’ + playerId] .COMPLETE_EVENT) {
RawVideoElem.removeEventListener ('completed', WVM.rawCompleteEvent, false);
rawVideoElem.addEventListener ('completed', WVM.rawCompleteEvent, false);

if (WVM [‘player_state’ + playerId] .TIMEUPDATE_EVENT) {
rawVideoElem.removeEventListener ('completed', WVM.rawTimeupdateEvent, false);
rawVideoElem.addEventListener ('completed', WVM.rawTimeupdateEvent, false);

WVM [‘player_state’ + playerId] .COMPLETE_EVENT = true;
WVM [‘player_state’ + playerId] .TIMEUPDATE_EVENT = true ;

<! –

Hide mobile side


BERRIEN SPRINGS, Michigan. – On Sunday, defenders and victims of abuses closed a three-day meeting at Andrews University.

The organizers of the Rise Up Against Abuse rally said they are dedicated to spreading awareness about the seriousness of the abuse. Dominique Gummelt, Director of Welfare at the UA, said more than 200 people attended the rally activities.

"Growing up against abuse is a manifestation, but in reality it is a manifestation of the launching of this new initiative," said Gummelt.

Gummelt and Michael Nixon, vice president of diversity and inclusion of the UA, organized the rally and the following initiative:

  1. Raises awareness about all forms of abuse.
  2. Educate about all forms of abuse, related problems and phenomena.
  3. Brindan oportunidades creativas y prácticas para que las víctimas y sobrevivientes sean escuchadas, amadas y apoyadas
  4. Proporcionar recursos y vías prácticas para la prevención.
  5. Desafíe críticamente a individuos, organizaciones e instituciones para que implementen cambios sustentables efectivos para prevenir todas las formas de abuso y para que tomen las medidas adecuadas en su contra
  6. Desafíe críticamente a organizaciones basadas en la fe, iglesias, escuelas, universidades y comunidades para que realicen cambios sostenibles efectivos para prevenir todas las formas de abuso, en particular el abuso contra personas y grupos vulnerables, y para que tomen las medidas adecuadas contra él
  7. Trabajar diligentemente para lograr cambios en las políticas dentro de los contextos institucionales y organizacionales para garantizar la protección, la prevención del abuso y la igualdad de las mujeres.

"Como individuo y sobreviviente por derecho propio, Me senté y lloré ”, dijo Sarah McDugal, instructora en el mitin.

Los participantes realizaron talleres, capacitaciones, presentaciones y paneles. La manifestación presentó la exposición fotográfica sobre la violencia contra las mujeres, la fiesta de sensibilización de Zumba y el muro de solidaridad.

En el muro de solidaridad, se pintaron mensajes como "Te creemos" y "Esto no te define". El muro se levantó el jueves. Funcionarios de la universidad dijeron que para el domingo estaba completamente lleno de mensajes de unidad.

"Podemos marcar la diferencia al ayudar a las personas a salir de situaciones en las que no quieren estar y no pidieron estar", dijo Gummelt.

Para obtener más información sobre el rally e información sobre los recursos disponibles, haga clic aquí.


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