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University of Oregon Announces Record Fundraising

University of Oregon Announces Record Fundraising – OPB [1945901110]

r.close ()) ,! r) throw Error ("base not supported"); var a = r.createElement ("base"); a.href = n, r.getElementsByTagName ("head") [0] .appendChild (a); var i = r.createElement ("a"); return i.href = t, i.href} finally {e && e.parentNode.removeChild (e)}} ()); var l = i (t || ""), f = function () {if (! ("defineProperties" in Object)) return! 1; try {var e = {}; return Object.defineProperties (e, {prop: {get: function () {return! 0}}}), e.prop} catch (t) {return! 1}} (), h = f? this: document.createElement ("a"), m = new or (l. search? (1): null); return m._url _object = h, Object.defineProperties (h, {href: {get: function () {return l.href}, set: function (e) {l.href = e, r (), u ()}, enumerable: ! 0, configurable :! 0}, origin: {get: function () {return "origin" in l? l.origin: this.protocol + "//" +}, enumerable :! 0, configurable :! 0}, protocol: {get: function () {return l.protocol}, set: function (e) {l.protocol = e}, enumerable :! 0, configurable :! 0}, username: {get: function () {return l.username}, set: function (e) {l.username = e}, enumerable :! 0, configurable :! 0}, password: {get: function () {return l.password}, ​​set: function (e) {l.password = e}, enumerable :! 0, configurable :! 0}, host: {get: function () {var e = {"http:": /: 80 $ /, "https:": /: 443 $ /, "ftp:": /: 21 $ /} [l.protocol]; returns e? (e, ""):}, set: function (e) { = e}, enumerable :! 0, configurable :! 0}, hostname: {get: function () {return l.hostname}, set: function (e) {l .hostname = e}, enumerable :! 0, configurable :! 0}, port: {get: function () {return l.port}, set: function (e) {l.port = e}, enumerable :! 0, configurable :! 0}, pathname: {get: function () {return "/"! == l.pathname.charAt (0)? "/" + l.pathname: l.pathname}, set: function (e) {l.pathname = e}, enumerable :! 0, configurable :! 0}, search: {get: function () {return}, set: function (e) {! == e && ( = e, r (), u ())}, enumerable :! 0, configurable:! 0}, searchParams: {get: function () {return m}, enumerable :! 0, configurable :! 0}, hash: {get: function () {return l.hash}, set: function (e) {l .hash = e, r ()}, enumerable :! 0, configurable :! 0}, toString: {value: function () {return l.toString ()}, enumerable :! 1, configurable :! 0}, valueOf: {value: function () {return l.valueOf ()}, enumerable :! 1, configurable :! 0}}), h} var c, s = e.URL; try {if (s) {if ("searchParams" in (c = new e.URL (""))) {var f = new l ("") ; if ( = "a = 1 & b = 2", "" === f.href && ( = "", "http: // "=== f. href)) return}" href "in c || (c = undefined), c = undefined}} catch (m) {} if (Object.defineProperties (o.prototype, {append: {value: function (e, t) {this._list.push ({name: e , value: t}), this._update_steps ()}, writable :! 0, enumerable :! 0, configurable :! 0}, "remove": {value: function (e) {for (var t = 0; t <this._list.length t = "0; t <this._list.length; ++ t) if (this._list [t] .name === e) return" this._list = "" null = "" n = "! 1, r = 0; r 1? arguments [1]: undefined; this._list.forEach (function (n) { (t, n.value,}) }, writable :! 0, enumerable :! 0, configurable :! 0}, toString: {value: function () {return r (this._list)}, writable :! 0, enumerable :! 1, configurable :! 0 }}), "Symbol" in e && "iterator" in e.Symbol && (Object.defineProperty (o.prototype, e.Symbol.iterator, {value: o.prototype.entries, writable :! 0, enumerable :! 0, configurable :! 0}), Object.defineProperty (u.prototype, e.Symbol.iterator, {value: function () {return this}, writable:! 0, enu merable :! 0, configurable :! 0})), s) for (var h in s) s.hasOwnProperty (h) && "function" == typeof s [h] && (l [h] = s [h]); e.URL = l, e.URLSearchParams = o} (), function () {if ("1"! == new e.URLSearchParams ([[“a”,1]]). get ("a") || "1"! == new e.URLSearchParams ({a: 1}). Get ("a")) {var r = e.URLSearchParams; e.URLSearchParams = function (e) {if (e && "object" == typeof e && t (e)) {var a = new r; return n (e) .forEach (function (e) {if (! t (e)) throw TypeError (); var r = n (e); if (2! == r.length) throw TypeError (); a .append (r [0] r [1])}), a} return e && "object" == typeof e? (A = new r, Object.keys (e) .forEach (function (t) {a.set (t, e [t])}), a): new r (e)}}} ()} (self );}). call ('object' === typeof window && window || 'object' === type of me && me || 'object' === type of global && global || {});

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