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The son of the president of Ashland University arrested on campus, complaint

 Brandon Field (Source: Ashland Jail) "title =" Brandon Field (Source: Ashland Jail) "border = "0" src = " images / 17081147_G.jpg? auto = webp & disable = upscale & width = 800 & lastEditedDate = 20180628120019 "width =" 180 "/> <span> Brandon Field (Source: Ashland Jail) </span></div></p></div></p><div

The son of the president of Ashland University was arrested on drug charges, right on the campus of the university.

Brandon Campo was arrested by the Ashland Police Department on June 19 for possession of criminal tools, endangering children, possession of marijuana and possessing the 4-drug schedule. university after a drug complaint was filed.

Police responded to the building of Dwight Schar College of Education located in the 300 block of Samaritan Avenue around 12:35 p.m.

(Photo credit: Facebook)

A criminal complaint revealed that Campo allegedly engaged in drug treatment at his residence, where his youngest son resided with him.

According to a heavily redacted Ashland police report, the drugs were located inside from the Campo residence on the roof of a bathroom, the cabinet and the drawer, as well as in the bedroom dresser. The drugs were listed as blue, green, yellow and white pills.

The criminal complaint provided more details indicating that the pills were identified as scheduled amphetamine II and scheduled IV alprazolam pills. The police also placed marijuana containers in the basement. According to the criminal complaint, Campo said he bought the pills from a local resident and admitted that he ordered the sale of marijuana in Colorado and sent it to his residence. He added that part of the marijuana was purchased locally.

Officials at the Ashland County jail say he broke up on June 20. Brandon Campo is expected to appear in the Ashland Municipal Court on July 10. Madeline Campo, 22, was arrested the same day for endangering the children, drug paraphernalia and possession of marijuana. He must also appear in court on July 10.

Ashland University released the following comment Thursday afternoon saying: "Brandon was charged with possession of marijuana and has not been convicted of any crime, he selling drugs on this campus or anywhere else. this moment "

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