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The nursing program of the University of Toledo and BGSU is divided

  • Tickets available today for St. Jude Dream Home

    Tickets available today for St. Jude Dream Home

    Wednesday, 16 May 2018 6:55 a.m. EDT 2018-05-16 10:55:56 GMT

     (Source: WTOL) (Source: WTOL)

    Prepare to reserve your ticket tomorrow to win the beautiful Dream Home in Waterville, built by Buckeye Real Estate Group.

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    Prepare to reserve your ticket tomorrow to win the beautiful Dream Home in Waterville, built by Buckeye Real Estate Group.

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  • First 10 day notice: first day of 90 degrees soon ]

    First 10-day notice: first day of 90 degrees coming soon

     (Source: WTOL) ] (Source: WTOL)

    The maximum temperatures will rise from 60 at the beginning of this week in the middle of the 80s for Thursday and Friday.

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    Maxims will scale from the 60s earlier this week in the mid-1980s to Thursday and Friday.

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  • Whiteford Township will conclude the construction of the water treatment plant

    Whiteford Township will complete the construction of the water treatment plant

    Wednesday, May 23 from 2018 8:13 PM EDT 2018-05-24 00:13:45 GMT

    Across the line in Michigan, a water treatment plant, the first of its kind in the area, is almost ready and is under budget.

    ] More >>

    On the other side of the line in Michigan, a water treatment plant, the first of its kind in the area, is almost ready and it comes within the budget ..

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"; $ wn (" # sidebarContent .additionalLinks "). Before (n); var a = $ wn ("html"). hasClass ("raycom-media-2015-redesign"); 1 == a && ($ wn ("#sidebarContainer # sidebarHeader.header span, #pollHeader"). css ("display", "none "), $ wn (" # sidebarContainer # sidebarHeader.header span.redesignedPollHead "). show ())} else {var n =" "; $ wn (". wnStoryBodyGraphic: last "). after (n)} $ wn ("# pollContent"). append ($ wn (D) .contents ()), $ wn ("# DisplaySizeId12 .wnGroup") .hasClass ("wnPollVoted") && $ wn ("# pollContent"). addClass (" wnPollVoted ")} function s (e, n, a, i, t, s) {" wideSidebar "== n? 1 == s? $ wn (i [C]) after (a): $ wn (i [C]). Before (a): "wideSidebar"! = N && "APMOBILE" == e? $ Wn (i [1]). After (a): $ wn (i [0]). (a)} function d (e) {{var n = "# DisplaySizeId3 ul li.wnItem: not (.header)", a = "# DisplaySizeId3 ul li .wnItem.feature.story ", i = f (n); f (a)} if ("" == e && i> = 1) {var t = "" == $ wn ("# DisplaySizeId3 ul li.wnItem.header h3 span.siteDefault"). text ()? "Related links": $ wn ("# DisplaySizeId3 ul li.wnItem.header h3 span.siteDefault"). text (); $ wn ("# sidebarContent .addi tionalLinks"). append (''), $ wn ("# sidebarContainer #sidebarHeader .FAL h3 span"). text (t), $ wn ("# sidebarContent .additionalLinks"). append ($ wn (n)), $ wn ("additionalLinks"). fadeIn ("fast")} else if ("presentation" == e && i> = 1) {var t = "" == $ wn ("# DisplaySizeId3 ul li.wnItem.header h3 span.siteDefault"). text ()? "Related links": $ wn ("# DisplaySizeId3 ul li.wnItem.header h3 span.siteDefault"). text (); $ wn (". additionalLinks .FAL"). hide (), $ wn ("# sidebarContainer #sidebarHeader .FAL"). show (), $ wn ("# sidebarContainer #sidebarHeader .moreHead"). hide (), $ wn ("# sidebarContent .additionalLinks"). append ($ wn (n)), $ wn ("additionalLinks"). fadeIn ("fast")}} function r (e) {var n = "# DisplaySizeId22 ul li.wnItem.feature.story"; $ wn ("" + n + ": first"). remove (); var a = e.response.responseXML, i = a.getElementsByTagName ("history"), t = (i [0] .getElementsByTagName ("body") [0] .childNodes [0] .nodeValue, $ wn (a) .find ("story story image: first filename"). text ()), s = $ wn (a) .find ("isclickable"). text (), d = $ wn (a) .find ("summary title of the story"). text (), r = i [0] .getElementsByTagName ("body") [0] .childNodes [0] .nodeValue, p = i [0] .getElementsByTagName ("pageurl") [0] .childNodes [0]. nodeValue, c = i [0] .getElementsByTagName ("id") [0] .childNodes [0] .nodeValue, m = l (s, c, p, d), u = o (t, c, p), f = "

" + r + "

", h = "

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