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The nun of Xavier University never stops helping

"The personal impact he has had on thousands of young men and women, just talking about Xavier … If there was some kind of Mount Rushmore of Xavier, the Sister needs to be in that."

Overcoming the loss

Fleming's childhood is a window to where he is today. You can see what matters to him based on what happened.

His parents lost their first child about a week after they took him home.

His mother, Mary, prayed for the family to be blessed with another son.

Were. In August 1932, Fleming and his twin brother, Tom, were born.

As a child, Fleming recalls a conversation her mother had with a friend about how lucky they were to have twins

"She was distressed at the loss of (her first) child," Fleming said. "The doctor had told her that she had had a painful birth, a bad birth, she had had a cesarean (section), they wanted to have children and she prayed and prayed, and that day she said to her friend: believe in prayer now because I feel that God answered my prayer twice, sent me twins. '"

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