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Former Italian Undersecretary Returns to Teach at Nottingham University Ningbo China

NINGBO, China – ( BUSINESS WIRE ) – Michele Geraci, former Under Secretary of State of the Italian Ministry of Economic Development, has returned to China and will resume his teaching work. Position as Professor of Practice in Economic Policy at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC). In the next fall term, you will teach a new module called China and the Global Economy.

Michele first joined UNNC in 2012. He was appointed Undersecretary of the Italian Ministry of Economic Development and retired in 2018. He was also nominated as a candidate for Prime Minister of Italy in 2018. During his tenure, Michele was one of the key officials who drafted the framework for the Memorandum of Understanding and helped push Italy to join the China Belt and Road Initiative. In early 2020, he urged the world to "stand together" in the face of the pandemic and promoted international collaboration between China and Italy.

Talking about the motivation to return, Michele said that, in his view, the government should work more closely with academia to obtain information from their research and policy advice, and he hopes to close this gap.

“I worked in a practical and policy-oriented job during my ten years in China. I tried to feed not only the Chinese politicians, but also the Italian and Western governments, but it was not easy. When I took office (as Italian Undersecretary for Economic Development), I also established a working group to study the Chinese economy so that our Italian companies could be in a better position to do business with their Chinese counterparts. ”

In addition to this, Michele decided to return to campus because teaching has always been one of her passions. Expect the new module to bring together many different elements.

“Every week we will see news that impacts China and the world economy, for example, trade tensions between the United States and China, the role of the RMB in international markets, technology, 5G and, of course, the Belt and Road, and why he decided to let Italy join the Belt and Road. Students will get first-hand stories, ”he said.

Michele Geraci is one of the many academics who overcame various difficulties caused by COVID-19 and still decided to return to campus.

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